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Hi everyone,

My vehicle: Camry 2014 with G stamped keys.

Services #: 002B07 318660 EVO ONE

Last week, I installed EVO-ONE with Toy-thar-one-2 harness following guide:  #76661. I also have the RF642W added on because I knew my car needed RF-kit to remote start (OEM 3X LOCK not supported).

I installed them through, got them working. RF remotes started my car just fine the first night (about 15 F degree outside atm). Unfortunately, they both stopped working the next morning due to no reason or change (45 F degrees atm). The car would just crank when I remote start and then stop. During the cranking, as soon as I put my G-key in, it starts just fine. Normal key-turning starting worked.

I then re-flashed my Evo-ONE and re-programed it into my car. They worked at first and then stopped working the next morning all over again. This time, outside temperature did not change much. So I guess it must not have anything to do with the cold-start feature. I think maybe my Evo un-learns programs itself? May it be the cause here?

About my installation: As I follow the instruction, I have my installation done with successful programming. At Flash-link step, I updated both By-pass and remote starter to the most current recommended versions: 79.51 and 1.24. I left all options as recommended by the wizard too. One thing I noticed, the guide wanted Function 2 in Remote Start to be in Mode 4 which it says "+ Start 2 E1, + Ignition 2 E2". However in Flash-link, Mode 4 shows as "White (E1) START, ORANGE (E2) Ignition 2". I dont know if the difference would cause me the problem.

Thank you a lot!
asked Mar 10, 2019 in Toyota by khai ly (190 points)
edited Mar 10, 2019 by khai ly

1 Answer

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"Unfortunately, they both stopped working the next morning due to no reason or change (45 F degrees atm). The car would just crank when I remote start and then stop"


-Turn off D2 and connect the dis arm wire like shown in the installation guide. This should solve your problem. 

answered Mar 11, 2019 by derek g (357,930 points)