Questions & Answers

2010 mazda 3 manual tach problem

0 votes
i have a mazda 3 2010, completed the install of a evo-one. started progamming car wont start lights flashes 4 time (no tach) am i required to install the tach from the 20 pin connector or is it monitored eslewhere tks
asked Dec 2, 2016 in Mazda by Jerry martin (780 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
There is no tach wire on a evo-one.

Tach should be achieved through the can bus wires.

Does it flash 4 times before the ignition comes on? Or does it flash 4 times after trying to crank the vehicle?

If it's 4 times before ignition the module is in valet mode.

to exit valet mode:

1-Ignition ON

2- Press valet switch 3 times

3- Ignition OFF.
answered Dec 2, 2016 by derek g (357,930 points)
selected Dec 2, 2016 by Jerry martin
it is not the valet mode. i remote start it again and pushed the clutch and the car started right away do i need to plug any wire to the clutch pedal
Yes if the vehicle is a manual transmission the clutch does need to be bypassed.
ok the wire i need to connect must be on 20 pin connector but what color is it ? its not indicated anywhere in the guides

Use the small white on the 20 pin connecotr.

Here is the listing for the wire....test before you hook it up.

Purple ( - )

white 2 pin connector at clutch switch

tks it would be a great add-on for the guide tks again for the answer and have a great week-end