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08 Jeep Gr Cherokee Diesel - alarm goes off on second start.

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2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee - EVO-ALL standalone

First cycle of RS with 3xlock works fine. If runtime expires or is canceled the second cycle sets off the factory alarm.  Option D2 is on - but acts funny. Unstead of just a single unlock before RS, it unlocks then locks immediately.

After key take over, drive and shut down, EVO still relocks/rearms doors.

I've downgraded several firmware back to .14 but no change.  Unit programs fine etc.
asked Mar 19, 2016 in Jeep by KOZ (750 points)

1 Answer

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By the looks of the service number this is being used with an RF kit?

If you are using an RF kit, after you let the runtime expire and unlock the vehicle with your rf kit and open the doors does the alarm dis arm?

Does it display the same behaviour if you use your oem remote?
answered Mar 21, 2016 by derek g (357,580 points)
Yes. Even without the rf kit it behaves the same way. The rf kit disarms on unlock like it should with a button push. I got an update yesterday from the vehicle owner. It appears that after sitting for a number of hours the disarm does not work and the alarm trips on first start as well. The door locks unlock but then relock immediately while the ignition comes on and the disarm doesn't happen
What is all installed in the vehicle?

What are all the connections you made in the vehicle?
Only thing installed is the the evo and rf kit. Connections made are just the t harness with the ignition wire modification. Park lights and hood pin are not installed pending this issue.
I would verify all doors are closed including tailgate and hood. Also verify that there is no issue with the door pins, trunk and hood pins of the vehicle, If the vehicle is seeing a door/trunk ajar this would be the result.
All doors are closed. There are no door ajar warnings on the dash. Also on unlock to sends a double pulse. That option is not on tho.
try doing a master reset, re program the module and test it out. Also verify that none of the loose wires are touching anything becasue this would casue an issue as well.
Done all that multiple times. I'll call this aftetnoon

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