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I'm using the following guide


and following DCRYPTOR PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE my EVO-ONE doesn't respond for step 5 (Start the vehicle.   The BLUE LED will turn OFF.  The RED LED will turn ON.) it doesn't switch to Red.

Please assist.

Thank you.


GUIDE # 93691

REV.: 20200622

posté Juil 12, 2020 dans la catégorie Toyota par Stanislav Khassanov (150 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
What is the S/N to your module? This is located on the back of the unit.
répondu Juil 13, 2020 par derek g (359,350 points)
The module says it has completed dcryptor, are you still experiencing an issue?
Yes I do. When I'm pushing the lock button 3 times it's trying to start the car but behaves as if there is no key(not decrypted). Also as I mentioned before I can't complete the procedure as it stops at the step 5
Re-flash 88.XX firmware then check your wire.

This is what will cause the led to turn red at step five.

Also, make sure you have it on the correct side of the cut, if its on the wrong side it will program start and then die.
Thank you Derek. I'm using a THAR-ONE-TOY12, do I need to check wire? Firmware updated.
Yes, the wire is what reads the data during programming and also where it sends the data for remote start.
It start working finally, but not for a long. After pressing 3 times on lock button it turns on the vehicle and shut it down after about two seconds of working. Also I can't start my car without EVO-ONE anymore. That mean if I disconnect the device I can't start the car manually. Thanks for help again.
It's normal that it doesnt start without the evo plugged in because you cut a wire for the immobilizer.


If it starts, runs and dies i suggest flipping the wire to the other side.

I can't start the vehicle at the step 5. 

Everything is connected according to the guide except TPMS(D6,D4) This car is not equipped with TPMS.


Please helpcrying

I see the dcryptor limit has been reached. So this must have gone through programming at least 3 times?

I would suggest calling support at this point, something does not seem right in the vehicle and it will be best diagnosed over the phone.




I will get your limit reset.