Questions & Answers

Evo-Fort2 2018 Ford F-150 STX ignition power, no start

0 votes
Programming successful except for final step. Vehicle power comes on but vehicle does not try to start. I see on the diagram there is a "rs6 in/out ignition +" coming from the yellow A1, I dont know where that wire goes besides to the T-harness. My vehicle seems to be activated by the Evo module, and won't allow key start once that occurs, and won't disable by pressing the brake. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I did the can high and low taps at the odb, I have a factory hood switch, all light in the programming match instructions, until the point where it's supposed to turn on and then turn back off. Help!!
posté Mar 26, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par Matthew Sidney (180 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?
répondu Mar 27, 2019 par derek g (358,230 points)
001A06xxxxxx. Thanks a lot
Your module is not flashed properly.


Please conncet it to the flash link updater and flash and configure the module according the the vehicle you are working on.
Thanks for the answer. I'm just a consumer, bought this as an advertised plug and play for my vehicle. I guess I was duped, I have no need to own an updater as I'm not a shop or vendor. Damn......
Hello again,

So I sent back my module, and the vendor flashed it for my vehicle. I got it back, tried programming again, didn't work. I checked all my wiring, I assured all wires were making contact, and matched the diagrams. I popped my hood, dash screen reads that hood is open, verified that I do have factory hood pin.

Problem is when I get to the end of the programming routine, the vehicle powers up all electrical devices (screens, hvac, radio), but it does not try to turn the starter. I have a factory hoodpin, and I see one wire on the diagram (Dark Blue) that shows it should be run to the hood pin. Is my vehicle not trying to start because I neglected to run a wire from the fortin module to the factory hood pin? Now I also have a check engine light that came on after the failed programming attempt.

What I have done:

1) Wired the 4 can high and low wires, checked connections. (Issue I see with this, the wire listed as Blue/White Can2High is just Blue, but the pin location matches.)

2) Wired Light blue, light blue/black, and Yellow from the 20 pin connector to the T-harness. double checked all connections.

3) attached both t-harnesses on the steering column

4)program, all successful until final step where vehicle should start.

Any help is much appreciated, I'm so close, but so far.....
Honestly the quickest way to resolve your problem will be to call us when you have the vehicle and module and updater on hand.




8-6 EST.