Questions & Answers

Evo-all power loss

0 votes
I have a Evo-all installed with an idatalink maestro for my steering wheel controls, and have just recently installed a Rockford Fosgate MyCar cell phone start to the Evo-All.  After programming all is fine with everything working perfectly for a couple weeks, then the cell start stops working as well as the lock 3 times to start function on the Evo-all.  When investigating I noticed that when the lock or unlock button on my key is pressed that the eco-all doesn't blink in blue like it has in the past.  Took it out, reprogrammed it, worked fine for another 2 weeks, and then the same issue happened again.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you, Jay
posté Aout 30, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par Jason Giangregorio (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Is the mastro piece connected to the can net work in the vehicle?
répondu Aout 30, 2018 par derek g (357,580 points)
No it is not.
sounds like loose connections.

If any t-taps or any type of splice connector is used, remove / inspect them.