Questions & Answers

What is the correct steps to start my car

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I bought a brand new manual mazda 3 2018 with a FTX 64-2W already installed by Mazda, I was able to remote start it ONE time since the purchase. Can you give me the sequence to be able to use your product?

So far I was trying what I was told by the Mazda employee:

Put the parking brake

use the (-) Stop then (I) 3 sec Start

Get out the car, lock the door 2 times.

Is this really the sequence to stop the car in order to remote start it???
posté Avr 3, 2018 dans la catégorie Mazda par Mathieu St-Gelais (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
I would suggest going back to your mazda dealer and have them show you exactly how they have set it up because their is more than one way for this set up to be configured and only the installer will know how it was set up for you.
répondu Avr 3, 2018 par derek g (357,480 points)