Questions & Answers

no blue led when pressing lock button on OEM remote

+2 votes
fitting a evo-forte1 to 2015 ford kuga. I'm not getting any blue led when pressing the ome remote. it seems to program as it should as per the guide. I've got options a1 to a11 turned on options c1 and d1 are also on.

I've tried grounding the blue wire and no lights come on, when I touch the yellow/ black to ground the red led will come on and the car will start.. the car will stop after that if I remove the red plug but will re-start when it's put back in.

have checked the hi/low can wires over and they seam to bo ok, are they the only two wires that make the blue led flash ??

any help would be much appreciated...
posté Fev 18, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par pogz (150 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Can you try just programming the cans.

1. push and hold programming button.

2. plug in datalink cable, release programming button when BLUE led lights up

3. reconnect all connectors, turn ignition on, blue should shut off , then blue should flash.

4, turn ignition off, press lock and unlock on oem remote, check if blue led flashes.


Thank you.
répondu Fev 18, 2016 par J M (64,270 points)
démasquées Fev 18, 2016 par J M
I tried that and again it programmed fine, it's doing everything it should, but again no blue led when pressing the lock button on the remote.

are the can hi/ low wires the only ones that would affect those led's ?? or could the (-) unlock and (-) lock wires have something to do with it ??

The  lock and unlock signals are detected on the CAN wires. Please double check that you are on the correct Can wires, you should be on pins 3 and 11 when viewing the obd2 connector from the front as shown on the guide. if by any chance you are on pins 6 and 14 it might still program but you will not be on the right can wires to dectect the oem keyfobs.


Thank you.
I believe I'm on the right wires, is the a way of testing to see if I'm getting a signal at the plug?? say with a multimeter ? should I have a certain voltage there when pressing the lock button on the remote?


thanks again.
can-bus will test about 2.5Vdc each wire with ignition on.

A lot of Ford vehicles have 2 sets of can-bus at the OBD-II; pin 3 & 11 and also 6 & 14. One is body related, the other is engine related. The evo will program on both since they are a Can network. If they are the same color, maybe you just connected to the wrong ones, so try the other set of can-bus instead.
Well I'ts running, Rico help solve this 4 day marathon

One setting was on tachless, updated flash link to 1.18 and it worked.