Questions & Answers

2014 Ford F-150 Door Lock

+1 vote
In the compatible soultions for the 2014 F-150 it says that the EVO-All supports door lock/unlock & arm/disarm control but when you open the install guide it says that lock/unlock is not supported. Which one is right?
posté Fev 19, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Kris Kaminski (2,420 points)

1 Réponse

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Hi Kris,


The EVO supports it but not through CAN. Arm and Disarm on Ford is done the following way through wired configuration coming out of the EVO.


The descriptions of Factory alarm on should read: "Alarm Arm/disarm controlled by hardwired connections from bypass module to vehicle." Currently is does say this in the EVO-FORT1 but not the EVO-ALL. I will change the description for the EVO-ALL once I'm done typing.


As for the guides, we are looking to changing if we should put dots when something is included in a plan, or only when something is featured through Can-Bus. Or.... atleast a way to differentiate wether it would be a wired connection or a Can-Bus feature.


Here is a quick response to uderstand how arm and disarm work on most Ford.


To Disarm:

  • We need to pulse ignition and activate transponder bypass with unlock. If you only unlock without pulsing ignition and activating the transponder the oem alarm will not disarm
  • This is why you see in the connection that the unlock is wired to the EVO and not the remote starter. This is to assure timing is correct when the EVO receives an unlock signal from the remote starter.
  • When unlocking, you will notice ignition (and some will also do accessory) turn on. If you look at the EVO, you should also notice the RED LED turns on, thus activating the transponder



  • First we must disarm the vehicle. We have to first disarm the vehicle because to actually arm the vehicle, the door trigger needs to be opened on lock. If we do not disarm first, and the vehicle was already alarmed, the oem alarm would trigger.
  • Since it needs to be disarmed first, we cannot send the lock pusle right away. It would be pointless.
  • So, once the EVO receives a Lock command from the remote starter, the EVO starts to roll through the complete sequence of disarming, then arming. It would not lock right away.



répondu Fev 20, 2014 par Robert T (299,650 points)
élue Jan 14, 2015 par Darren Satkunas