Questions & Answers

My EVO ALL unit never reachs to step-6- of the programming steps in FORTIN guide #97611

0 votes
I connected my evo all unit according to the wiring diagram that I already downloaded from the website, then when I started the programming procedure, also according to the steps in the guide #97611, everything was going on normally until step-5-, then the unit never move to step-6- ( after I press and release programming button (in step-5-) the blue LED goes off and never return back flashing). I repeated the procedure one more time but I reached the same step and the unit never moves to the next step.

My unit SN:001A07 283796
posté Nov 23, 2022 dans la catégorie Dodge par Omar Hasan (190 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote


The module is flashed for a 2020 chevrolet equinox push to start, however guide 97611 is for a dodge journey...

What is your vehicle?


Best regards.
répondu Nov 23, 2022 par derek g (359,350 points)
My car is dodge Journey 2020 se


Please set the module up accordingly, it is not set up for the right vehicle.


Best regards.
Thanks for your quick response, but how can I set it for the right vehicle?
I have installed flash manager on my PC and connected the evo all via flashlink-lite updater, but can not communicate with the evo all unit

Please contact reseller support



Hi, please is it ok to connect the CAN high and CAN low wires of the evo unit to the CANs wires of the OBD II interface?