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need help with programming the theft in the evo-all

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installed the evo-all with crimestopper cool start. followed guide #46721 and im stuck on step 5. i get the yellow light when i the key to the on position but i do not get the red light while holding the key to the crank position. any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
posté Dec 20, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par michael george (200 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Make sure evo is flashed for vesion 70.18. It will not program with any other firmware.

The vehicles j1850 data wire should also be above 2V dc for the unit to program. If theres a t-tap on this, remove it and do a proper splice connection.
répondu Dec 21, 2020 par Robert T (303,700 points)
élue Dec 31, 2020 par michael george
ive double and tripled checked the version is 70.18. i rechecked all wiring is hook up as per guide # 46721. i am unsure which wire you are talking about as the J1850, could you be more clear as to which wire to check the voltage on. i did not use any t-taps, all connections are soldered together. any other thought as to what i could check, ive even swapped out the evo-all with another new one (after programming it) to make sure it wasnt just a bad unit and still the same thing.
J1850 is the databus wire that is connected at the OBD.
this vehicle doesnt use the j1850 databus, it uses the high speed GMLAN pins 6 and 14 at the DLC, both are around 2.5 volts. it also uses the low speed GMLAN pin 1 at DLC which the voltage verys greatly on this circuit, im getting anywhere from 0.2-2.8 volts on this circuit.

yes you are right, i am used to 70.18 being mainly for older gens. 

The red light flash part is for Pin 1. Unit will have a hard time programming if voltage is too low. Over 2V will be fine. It will also have a hard time grabbing the passlock value if vdata wires are reversed or on the wrong wire. 


Do test vdata (voltage will vary depending on key position)

  • no key = 0v
  • key in = 12V
  • key on = approx. 3.9 v
  • key in crrank = approx. 1.9v


If voltage is fix 12v or 5V, you are on the vRef and not vData. 

Also make sure green/red and green/white are not reversed. 

The yellow of the evo, pin1, should also be on accessory. So if you meter this, voltage should be dropping to 0v on crank. 


Sometimes, grounding the unit directly at pin4 of the obd would also help. 

so i checked the voltage on the vdata and i had :

  • no key 0v
  • key in 12v
  • key on 5.4v
  • cranking 5.2v

ive checked for vRef and it has 5v and im not connected to this wire, ive rechecked and the vdata wires are connected like the diagram, green/white on connector side of the switch green/red on the harness side of the wiring.

the can switch (pin 1 on DLC) only has 0.2-1.3v. from the GM info i have found this is a 0-5 volt data switch. when i dont hook up the brown wire from the evo-all to pin 1 i dont get the yellow light to come on during programming. there is no way i can make this wire have more voltage as its a com. line. so what should i do from here to get this system to program? thanks again for the help.


Those readings were from starting with the key? Sounds like that is not the correct wire for vData. a steady 5V once key is in indicates this; that's vRef. vData normally varies between and ignition and crank. 


Typically, vData is white in the 2nd pin. If your white is in pin1, try whatever wire is in pin2

i've recheck, the green/white and green/red wires are connected to pin 2 which is a white wire. the white wire is where i  got the readings of 

  • no key 0v
  • key in 12v
  • key on 5.4v
  • cranking 5.2v


pin 1 white/black is where i got the reading of 5v, i am not connected to this wire. i just checked the voltage on it to make sure it was the vRef. could it be that the chevy cobalt may need to use a different firmware? i remeber you saying that your used to 70.18 firmware being used with the j1850 and the cobalt doesnt use the j1850. if i need to change the firmware, would the programming process change?

You can always try the latest 70.XX since it is not a J1850 databus.

Just remember to reset the evo also.
so i preformed the reset on the evo-all and then reflashed to the latest version avalible (70.41) and the unit programmed the theft and i am now able to remote start the car with no problem. thanks again for all the guiadance in getting this thing working correctly.