Questions & Answers

Parking Light Connection causes Remote Start to shut down and the brake code flashes

0 votes
2012 Escape Limited model, installed the EVO-ALL with the T-Harness.   Parking light connection made to the purple/white wire in the door sill area per the recommendatiopn in the manual via a relay.   When remote starting, the vehicle starts, then shuts down a couple seconds later and flashes the red LED twice to indicate brake on.   With this connection broken, remote start works as intended.
posté Mai 21, 2017 dans la catégorie Ford par Matthew Meiser (200 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
Testing showed the purple/white wire was the brake light wire.   It turns out if you dig into thta harness further there are not 1 but 4 purple wires with white stripes (plus at least 1 purple with really light grey) in the harness at the location where the install guide says to connect to the purple/white wire.   Two of these apparently have nothing to do with lighting.   One is the brake lights, one is the running lights.   It is absolutely necessary to test to find the wire that has 12V when the light switch is in the running light position, not the one that has 12V when the pedal is depressed or one of the other two who's function is unknown to me.
répondu Mai 23, 2017 par Matthew Meiser (200 points)
So just grabbed the wrong wire? Glad you got it sorted.
0 votes
Turn off option B2 and re test.
répondu Mai 22, 2017 par derek g (336,040 points)
That didn't make a difference.