Questions & Answers

Cant add harness to order

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I am looking at buying the evo all for my 2016 f150 and my 2010 grand caravan.  It wont let me add the T harness to my order, is it included? Cuz its listed under optional accessories and like i said i cannot add to card
asked Aug 2, 2020 in Remote Starters by Brian Lehmkuhl (130 points)

1 Answer

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Most T-harness cannot be purchased directly from the website. 

If it's for the EVO-ALL, there are combos called EVO-FORT3 and EVO-CHRT4 for both those cars. 


I would suggest contacting an authorized reseller for purchase.  (select Authorized online resellers)

answered Aug 3, 2020 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)