Questions & Answers

2016 sierra 1500 truck wont 3x start

0 votes
2016 sierra 1500 truck wont 3x start fortin unit is flashed and encrypted i did not wire the on star side of the unit but i do have on star however i dont pay for it . went through the system options and turned on the standalone function still no start .
asked Aug 30, 2019 in GMC by Kyle Bradford (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
what is the 12 digit service number of the unit?

does the blue led flash on every lock press?

does the red led turn on after pressing 3x lock?
answered Aug 30, 2019 by Robert T (299,650 points)
001a06 826071

No blue light and no red light

Just yellow light if i start the truck manually.

If not already done from when we spoke earlier

  1. reset the unit:
  2. go back to the flash link and enable options c1 + d1 + d2, (leaving A1 to A11 On)
  3. go back to car and reprogram
  4. go back to flash link and run dcryptor

Before doing all that though, check if your Flash Link has the latest update 4.05. Go into Help (way up top left corner) then Flash Link Firmware Update. This sounds like it may your issue since without this update, your dcryptor may never update correctly back into the evo. 

