Questions & Answers

No start. Evo yellow led only. Not stand alone. Remote seems to be working

0 votes
Programming Evo to instructions does nothing. Programming to using two keys, leaving them both out after cycling ignition and pressing program button does. I then get blue and red LED to flash. Then blue only flashes. Dash says no key found though. Only yellow led ever turns on when trying to start. Remote start seems to be working fine. All systems act as the should, horn honks, brake shuts system down etc. Wiring is per diagrams. I can hear the fuel pump turn on etc. But, never starts. Yellow led never comes on while programming second key
asked Feb 16, 2017 in Ford by kevan davis (130 points)
edited Feb 17, 2017 by kevan davis

1 Answer

0 votes
Verify that unlock before lock after is not on in the starter....

Otherwise sounds like the start signal is missing...are you in datalink or wire to wire?
answered Feb 17, 2017 by derek g (358,230 points)
During programming, while doing the second key, the yellow led does not turn on and dash reads no key found with a lock symbol.
That is fine it does not say in the guide that it should turn on.

The evo has programmed correctly right?
No, at end of programming, I get no key found with the lock symbol. But, I am supposed to have a type 3390 for the 2013 escape. My Evo all states it's a 2330 on the tag.
"I am supposed to have a type 3390 for the 2013 escape. My Evo all states it's a 2330 on the tag." What do you mean by this? Tag on the unit? Were was this purchased?