Questions & Answers

How do I reflash the firmware on an evo-fort4?

0 votes
2014 Ford F150 automatic transmission. The evo will not enter program mode.
asked Dec 15, 2021 in Ford by Christopher luongo (180 points)

1 Answer

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Christopher, steps 1-4 only require 12V and ground.

When you hold the button down and insert power, are you able to have the LEDs cycle and are able to release on Blue and Red?
answered Dec 15, 2021 by Robert T (304,010 points)
When I hold the program button and plug in the power all 3 leds light up and blink together. They do not cycle.
That's because the module is not yet flashed. Connect it to your flash link updater so that you can flash it for the vehicle you are working on.
So fortin sells a product as an "all in one" brand new unit but it still requires a $50 update to be used? Which flash link updater will I need? 4?

Correct, the flash link 4 is required.

The Flash Link Updater 4 is a programming tool and is required to flash and setup modules for whatever vehicle they are being installed.  It will be listed under "Required Accessories" on every vehicle compatibility page. 

Thank you for your help sir.