Questions & Answers

Not able to use evo-start2 with evo-all

0 votes
i use THAR-MAZ1 with evo-all and evo-start2 on a Mazda CX-3 2018 pts automatic. i'm programmed the antenna , i programmed the evo-all . the 3x lock button start and shutdown the car. But the evo-start2 will blink green when receiving a command from my phone but will flash amber just after without starting the car. I tried to reprogrammed a second time. still no luck. What did i forgot ?
asked Aug 28, 2020 in Other by Luc Ostiguy (940 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
Please share EVOALL module service number.
answered Aug 28, 2020 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
selected Sep 24, 2020 by Luc Ostiguy
Sorry for the delay. Here is the unit

SN:001A07 126265

0 votes
Make sure yellow wire from antenna is connected to ignition. Follow the antenna reset procedure on page 17 of this guide.


Then re program it to the evo-all and re try it.


The amber flash after green means it is not able to communicate with the evo.
answered Sep 10, 2020 by derek g (359,350 points)
Thank you it worked. Now how can add a user? when i tried to connected it says code already code already used please see owner to generate a new code
To ad a user Click the 3 lines in the top leftcorner> Click garage> Swipe left on the vehicle name> Click edit> Then click authorized users.

This will let you generate a new code for a different phone. Make sure the other user has created there own account with there own email.
thank you
Hi there,

I am having the same issue with a 2012 nissan maxima with the evo all with T harness. i have tapped the yellow ignition wire for the evo start2 antenna at the evo all yellow wire pin A1. is that an ok place to get ignition for the antenna or do i need to go to the vehicle side of the OBD 2 connector? otherwise i have no idea why i just get the Green followed by the Amber fash.
