Questions & Answers

2005 Xterra Installation

0 votes
Hello,   I am struggling to get my Evo-One remote-start working.  When i connect it to the car and connect all of the cables I either get no lights at all or I get the red led in the manual/automatic cable slot.  I am using install guide 78101 since I have an alarmed 2005 Nissan Xterra.

Then when I try lock lock lock with my OEM fob I get nothing, no dash lights / ignition either.  No LED's on the evo.  If I try it with the key ignition I also get nothing.

So, I kept on running the programming and decryptor assuming this was the reason the remote start would not work.  Now I have exceed the decryptor limit so I need this resetting please.
SN002b04 009600
But this is a side issue.  I will try connecting it all again when I get the reset but right now I am thinking the result will be the same.

Can you clarify what happens when you enter the blue LED programming mode.  Does the evo-one check all of the connections when you turn the key on?  Assuming this was the case this is why I kept reprogramming because in between I was checking connections for integrity.

The specific Nissan Xterra guide doesn't say anything about programming the OEM fob.  Have I missed this step?

I can confirm that oem 3x lock has been enabled in both the bypass and remote start and the correct settings have been selected in the software as shown on the Xterra specific instructions.  I had missed one of the settings which dictated the ignition wire combinations but this has now been corrected to match how I have wired those cables.

One other thing I have noticed is that I was reading the instruction wrong about the order in which you disconnect the cables during programming.  Would this have a big effect?



Thanks in advance for any help.
asked Jul 20, 2019 in Nissan by Adam Forrester (130 points)
edited Jul 20, 2019 by Adam Forrester

1 Answer

0 votes

The issue is that you are trying something we do not support. 


We do not list this vehicle as 3x lock comaptible on our website (


You would need an rf kit to make the evo-one function in your vehicle. 

answered Jul 22, 2019 by derek g (336,040 points)
Wow,  that really isnt clear on the compatibility page for the Xterra.  This was the specific reason that I purchased the kit.  There is a green tick by remote start on the site.  Please can double check.
If the feature is supported it will be listed under "advanced features" it is not listed on your truck.


It lists remote start because the evo-one is a high current remote starter, if you click the remote start icon and read the descrtopion it states "RF-KIT can be required", such as your vehicle.


Also no where in the installation guides supported features does it list "OEM remote monitoring".
OK.  I guess you are right!  

So, if I get just the simple RM411 this will add remote start to my car right?

Looking at the RM411 the installation guide implies that it is simple plug an play and then program.  Is this correct or are there other cables splice to power the RF too?




Yes, FTX411 will work with the evo for remote start.