Questions & Answers

Auto lights will not turn off after remotely stopped on my 03 Infiniti FX45

0 votes
Evo-all with Crime stopper rsoo remote start, all connections soldered. Remote start and stop function correctly. When after starting car at night with auto-lights switched on, and you turn off the car with the remote (push lock button three times) the lights will not go out. (waiting more than 5 minutes) The light blue/black wire from pin A10 is connected to white wire pin 146 at the BCM. This is a 03 Infiniti FX45 with Intelli-key
asked Apr 25, 2018 in Infiniti by mark Perry (150 points)
edited Apr 26, 2018 by mark Perry

1 Answer

0 votes
Test to see if the black is pulsing after you shut it down via the remote.


If not you could simply take the re arm wire from your remote starter and connect it to the door pin. Set the re arm wire to pulse 10 sec after shut down.
answered Apr 26, 2018 by derek g (357,470 points)
Absolutely no pulse from orange wire.
hhhmmm not sure at this point then if none of the wires are testing as they are supposed to.
Blue/black gives no pulse but I get a constant 5 volts when connected up.

If I manually toggle (momentarily grounding) the drivers door pin after remotely turning car off the auto lights will time out and turn off. Neither the rsoo or evo-all are able to toggle, how can I fix this?

Turns out that the orange wire is a good trigger wire, just needs correct programming. Option #8 toggle to program #4, option #25 stays at default #2.
Auto-lights will now shutdown after 45 second delay.

