Questions & Answers

Dcryption failed

0 votes
when trying Dcrypt , flash link manager says - Dcryption limit has reached for this vehicle
asked Jan 22, 2018 in Volkswagen by Mykola Dudutse (250 points)

1 Answer

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Dcryptor limit = module had a successful dcrpytor more than twice.

We will send the service number in the engineering to see if they can unblock it.
answered Jan 23, 2018 by Robert T (299,500 points)
was their a reason the unit was flashed for three different vehicles?

2016, 2017 & 2018 ??

it flashed on the one car only - 2013 Passat TDI
I'm bought my Evo-All in Fall 2016 - thats when it was flashed the first time - everything work flawless

After winter season I took it of from car to change some option(changed the running time from 14min to 3min for the Summer)

in the Winter, I removed it again to change the running time from 3 to 14 minutes again and at this time something went wrong, it attempts to start the car but fail, it make 2 attempts, after second one car allarm is start, while evo tries to start car, it show massage - the key is not in range, so I reflash module second time but it does not solve the problem - it still cause alarm when try to start car.

then, couple days ago I try to reset the module and reflash it third time and get the Dcryption limit.

so, the years - 2016, 2017 and 2018 are the dates of flashing the module and not the different cars, its never been installed in other car then mine - 2013 Passat TDI standard key.

So, can you unblock it?
After 2 successful dcryptors, the flash link will stop you from doing more. It was successful and there would be no reason to try and do it again. Changing vehicle years from the initial successful programming will also block you. This is all for security reasons.

From the problem described, it sounds more like your TB-VW is too blame.

I will send that service number again to engineering to see if they can unblock it.