Questions & Answers

2011 Dodge Ram 2500 Evo-all will not program Step1

0 votes
1 Step. Hold programming button in and plug black connecter up. Wait till light is blue then release. Blue light goes out. Instructions says to start over if blue light is not solid but it does it every time.
asked Nov 18, 2017 in Dodge by Tom Moldon (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is connected the the yellow wire on the 20 pin connector?

How does this wire test with no key in the barrell?
answered Nov 20, 2017 by derek g (335,940 points)
Per the instructions the only connector connected is the 4-PIN Data-link(12v and ground). I do have the yellow wires connected (20 pin and t- harness) but not plugged in to the EVO during 1st step.
I have also reflashed to 74.32 and done a master reset.
So you plug only the power in let go on yellow and yellow turns off?


Does it do this if you let go on antoehr color say red or blue?
Some of the other colors work just not blue. Will not stay on in remote start mode with the programmer. Tech support thought it was a hardware issue.