Questions & Answers

2015 Nissan Frontier, confirming I don't need tach signal

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2105 Nissan frontier, Automatic, EVO-ONE with NIS2 harness.

I'm just confirming I don't need separate tach signal, that it's picked up thru the CANBUS. As well confirming, the factory fobs won't work with the 3X button push.


I plan to install on the wekend but I'm waiting for my spare keys to arrive since it changes the transponder code when you have to add keys. No sense in programming the bypass if I have to do it again :-)....Mike
asked May 9, 2017 in Nissan by Mke Milburn (250 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Correct the evo-one will automatically read tach through the can. First page of the installation guide shows what features are supported.

Also you are correct 3x lock from the OEM remote is not supported on this vehicle.
answered May 10, 2017 by derek g (335,940 points)
selected May 10, 2017 by derek g
Perfect, thanks for the reply...............Mike

yes Glad to help.
