Questions & Answers

Can't Buy Token

+1 vote

I can't seem to buy a token. I have tried numerous times using my debit card and each time I get an email saying the transaction was unsuccessful. I have verified that card information is correct along with the billing info and it still fails. I also tried PayPal and after checking out it takes me back to wire color without a token, just sends me through the "subscription" page again. Note, on the PayPal checkout i get no verification that the transaction has succeeded or failed.

All I want to do is buy a couple tokens for a remote starter challenger install. Any help resolving this problem would be appreciated.
asked May 22, 2016 in Wirecolor by justin bassett (230 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
The only thing that would make payment fail is that the information on the card does not match the information on the account created here.

What are you installing in the challenger, also what year is it?
answered May 24, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected May 25, 2016 by justin bassett
Hi Derek,

I know the billing information, card information, and account settings (didn't know if this would matter) are all the same. I pulled it up on my PC (been trying to do it on my phone every other time) and while the card purchase of a token still didn't work the Paypal option did.

I am putting the Evo-all standalone with T-harness onto a 2009 Challenger R/T non-Push Start.


So using your pay pal allowed you to purchase a token?

Looking at the installaion guide for your challenger link here :

Their is only 1 wire you will need to connect to in the vehicle when using the t-harness, which is parking lights (this is a optional connection, basically turns on the parking lights when vehicle is remote started) Below i have linked a picture for you of the connector behind the head light switch you will need a 2k Ohm resistor for this connection as well.

White brown at light switch need a 2k ohm resistor.

Awesome, thanks for the details on the optional parking light connection. You said the only connection I need to make when using the T-Harness is that one, but what about the Yellow/Green from the Evo-All to the ignition? I guess I am confused on the Yellow coming from the female connector in the barrel? Should I just cut and isolate that wire or do I need to solder the Yellow/Green to that Yellow? What do I do with A-1 Ignition+ from the Evo-All? Is Ignition+ only used if I am using an aftermarket remote starter rather than the Evo-all as a standalone?
Yes i ment in the vehicle.

You will have to modify and connect the T-Harness as shown for vehicles 2010 and less so yours being a 09 you will need to do this.

- So Yellow wire (A1) from 20 pin connector will go to loose yellow wire in the T-harness.

- You will then cut the yellow wire of the t-harness on the male side of the plug and connect Yellow/Green to it and isolate the vehicle side of the cut wire with some electrical tape.

-Then simply program the module as shown in the guide!

Note: if you are doing stand alone ensure you have enabled option C1 and D1 for this to work with your factory remote!
Thanks man! You have been a huge help!