Questions & Answers

06 1500 evo-all looses key programming after vehicle battery disconnect.

0 votes
I successfully programmed the evo-all to a 06 silverado. The evo-all hardware is ver 6 firmware 4.06. If I either disconnect the power to the unit or disconnect the vehicle's battery, the module loses the key programming and I have to reprogram the module. Is this normal or did I do something wrong? I have installed several evo-alls' and never had this problem
asked Jan 4, 2016 in Chevrolet by Kyle Kliever (270 points)

1 Answer

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This shouldnt be happening, the evo should be retaining its programmable memory. something (either installation or the module itself) is preventing this from happening. I would look over your connections to start.
answered Jan 4, 2016 by derek g (357,630 points)
I have wired the module as evo-all_gm.rev-20140127.pdf tells me to. All the remote wires are where they should be. Is it possible the I may have turned something off when I had to reprogram the firmware with the flash link?
possible but unlikely.

Maybe it didnt flash properly another possibility.

Have you tried resetting the module, re flash it, then re program it? to see if the results change?
I have reflashed a couple times. How would i reset it?
-Press and hold the program button while inserting the 4 pin connector

-release the button on red led

-press and hold button again until the led's start to cycle through the colors.

-release programming button and unplug 4 pin connector.

Module has now been wiped out.
Thanks, I'll give that a try when I get the customers vehicle back