Questions & Answers

Can one of the two remotes in a RFK912 kit be used for a second vehicle (ie: change frequency or channel)?

0 votes
I bought a RFK912 kit, inside are two remotes. Can I use one on my second car, a Hyundai Accent 2015 which has an EVO ONE installed and the antenna ... just needs a remote. Do I have to purchase a whole new set/kit or can we change (somehow) the frequency or channel of one of the two remotes to that when either button on either one is pushed it does NOT start both cars?
asked Nov 5, 2023 in Chevrolet by Larry Turner (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You would need a 2nd kit for the 2nd vehicle.

If you program 1 remote to both cars it will remote start both vehicles everytime you send 1 start command.

The channel/frequency of the remote cannot be change by the user.

Best regards.
answered Nov 6, 2023 by derek g (359,350 points)