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Remote stopped working, OEM 3x Lock to remote start still works, no light on antenna

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I had my car serviced and now the FTX-64-2W remotes don't work. The lock/unlock and remote start all stopped working. When you press a button the remote flashes blue for a while and then 1 red flash. The light on the antenna module also doesn't come on at all anymore. ANT-FMH-2W. The factory ford key still locks/unlocks and when you press lock 3x the remote start still works. So I think the EVO-ONE is still talking to the car and the bypass and remote start is still working. Did the antenna module get fried? They replaced the windshield, could the antenna 4-wire cae be damaged? I checked this 4-wire cable and couldn't notice any damage. The car also had a dead battery when I got it back from service. 2013 Ford Mustang GT.
asked Mar 23, 2023 in Ford by Adam G (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


"They replaced the windshield, could the antenna 4-wire cae be damaged?" I have seen this multple times.


I would suggest taking the vehicle to an installation shop to have the antenna verified and see if remotes can be paired to it.


Best regards.
answered Mar 23, 2023 by derek g (359,350 points)
I thought this too, so I traced the 4-wire antenna cable from the antenna, down the a-pilar, and to the EVO-One. I couldn't see or feel any issues with the cable. But maybe it is damaged inside the insulation? Is there any other reason that the light on the antenna would stop working? It used to flash blue when the car was locked, but nothing now.
if you unplug the antenna and plug it back in does it light up the blue led for a second? If not then the antenna is not getting power or ground, which may be a result of the wnidshielf replacement.
No the antenna does not light up the blue led ever. Do you have a pin out of the 4-wire harness to the antenna so I can test to see if it is getting power and ground? Is the white stripe wire +12v?
The cwire complelty opposite of the one with the white stripe is the 12v, the one next to it is ground.

If the antenna does not light up for a brief moment when re connecting the cable, then either the cable has been damaged or the antenna has been damaged or possibly both.
Okay I am getting the 12v constant on the antenna 4-wire connector from the last 2 pins (opposite the white stripe). When I plug the cable into the antenna there are no lights on the antenna. Sounds like the antenna is bad then? Is there a replacement for the ANT-FMH-2W or do I need to buy a new RF kit with remotes? Are all the new RF kits compatible with my old EVO-One?
Yes repalcement antenna are available, it is hard to say what all may have been damaged by the repalcement windshield.

To locate your nearest distirbutor for replacement parts please visit this link


visit a shop local to you to have the system verified by a technician to determine what exactly has been damaged and what all needs to be replaced.


Remember if the antenna was damaged, there is a possiblity the rf port on the evo one was also subsiquently damaged as well.


Best regards.
Thanks Derek. My local distributor doesn't have any of the old antennas to try. Are the new RF kits, like the RFK442 compatible with my old EVO-One?
If you can provide me the S/N number on the back of the evo-one I can let you now.