Questions & Answers

Decryptor Limit

0 votes
Trying to program EVO-ONE. I receive an error about a decryptor error. I belive I set up the bypass incorrectly for a built in alarm. I was not certain if that was the correct choice. I did program the decryptor a few times becuase I though I had done it incorrectly. After programming the blue light would blink when lock or unlock was pressed but it would never start with 3x lock. I went back and select no alarm bypass but now I get the error that the decryptor has reached its limit. How do I get this reset so I can try again?
posté Fev 16, 2020 dans la catégorie Honda par William Reed2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
For issues such as these, please contact fortin's tech support department directly at
répondu Avr 5, 2021 par derek g (358,030 points)