Questions & Answers

Genesis sedan 2016 will not remotely unlock doors when engine is running in remote start.

0 votes
Evo one module installed.Initially started but shuts down after a couple seconds.Reprogrammed tach signal off.Unit now starts but doors do not unlock unless remote start is shutdown
posté Sept 29, 2019 dans la catégorie Hyundai par Martin Cornelius (180 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Not sure how you programmed tach on an evo-one as there is no procedure for tach programming done in the vehicle.


Is it unlock from an rf kit or the oem remote?


What is the service number to the unit please.
répondu Sept 30, 2019 par derek g (357,580 points)
unit service #002B04 029277.

oem remote is being utilised.


this unit was purchased because of its stand alone feature,please rectify
0 votes
What I meant was the programme  offered options to use tach signal and data link as a means of connection or no tach signal. I used no tach which allowed the car to run.the module is presently installed in car, will update unit number when possible. Oem remote is being used.
répondu Sept 30, 2019 par Martin Cornelius (180 points)