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2014 Ram 1500 Tradesman shuts down on key takeover.

0 votes
I just recently installed a Crimestopper LCPro-4 with an EVO-ALL interface module on my brother-in-law's 2013 Ram 1500 Tradesman.  The installation and programming all went smoothly, however I noticed a couple of problems.

Problem 1:  The truck does not stay running if you remote start it, insert key and turn to the 'run' position, and step on the brake.  I double-checked my wiring to make sure everything was connected to the right places.  After the truck shuts off with the brake pedal, there's a small delay (1 second) then the instrument panel lights back up.  I can also hear relays clicking inside either the Crimestopper or Fortin modules when this happens - I haven't determined which module's relays are clicking, as they are secured together under the dash.

Problem 2:  I programmed the EVO-ALL with my Flash Link Updater 2 so that we can have driver's door priority unlocking.  All of the doors still unlock when the unlock button is pressed on the Crimestopper remote.

I've taken a video of these and they are available here:

For what it's worth - this truck is a Tradesman model.  It has power windows/locks/mirrors, but did not come with keyless entry from the factory.  My BIL has owned it since new, and the window sticker does not indicate keyless entry as an option or standard feature, either.

Any ideas what might be happening?

Hope you had a Merry Christmas, and as always, I appreciate the support!


posté Dec 26, 2015 dans la catégorie Ram par Darren Asuncion (920 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
For key takeover to work you have to remote start the vehicle with all door closed, and the module needs to see an unlock command. I recommend you enable option C1.

So you remote start the vehicle, unlock the door with either factory or crimestopper remote, step in the vehicle, turn key and press brake.
répondu Dec 26, 2015 par Darren Asuncion (85,210 points)
élue Jan 2, 2016 par Darren Asuncion
+1 vote
Mathieu answered the no take over issue.

Driver door priority will most likely not be functional since the vehicle does not have factory keyless. The codes we send, replicate oem codes.
répondu Dec 26, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)
I finally had a chance to take a look at the truck again.  Mathieu was right - take over worked when the truck was remote started from a doors closed/locked state, then remotely unlocked prior to inserting the key.

Another thing I noticed in the process was that if you activate the remote start with the truck running (quick pit stop - like checking the mailbox), then lock the doors with the Crimestopper remote, the truck will stall when the brake pedal is pushed (key placed back into ignition).  It doesn't seem to matter if the unlock button is pressed on the remote prior to hitting that brake pedal.   Is the pit stop feature not available for this model of truck?

Thanks for the info about the driver door priority.  I figured it may have something to do with the truck not having factory keyless.  I also updated the EVO-ALL with option C1 enabled, as Mathieu suggested above.

Darren, apologies for delays. I believe take over after pitstop "idle mode" is not available on the 2013+ RAM and Dart (or any of the vehicle compatible with the EVO-CHRT6 really). I'll confirm this tomorrow as i am not sure right now. Mathieu may actually now this off hand as he's 100% of the time actually installing all day.


Try these exact steps if you want:

  1. All doors closed and engine running off the key
  2. Activate idle mode
  3. press unlock on the crimestopper
  4. turn key off after pressing unlock
  5. open doors
  6. close doors
  7. press lock on the crimestopper
  8. pretend to do things for at least 1 minute
  9. press unlock
  10. open door
  11. put key in barrel and press the brake.


If the above didnt work, try again but at step 8 wait about 10 seconds. If it works this way, takeover after idle mode is definately not available. 

Robert,  thanks for the update.

I tried your exact steps.  The truck would shut down at step 11 when the brake is pressed.  I found that if the doors aren't opened (skip steps 5-10), the truck will remain running when the key is in barrel and brake is pressed.

I was not able to try waiting 10 seconds at step 8.  So I can't comment what happens with that.

Not a big deal, my brother-in-law is OK if the pitstop idle mode is not available.  He's very happy with the system.

Thank you,
