Questions & Answers

2005 chrysler 300 evo-all stand alone cranks too long service 001A06 316072

+1 vote
car starts good but starter cranks for 5 secsonds after car is running
posté Mar 3, 2014 dans la catégorie Chrysler par camarolt78 (210 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Hi Camarolt78,


This sounds like the EVO cannot detect the tach off the vehicles data bus. This can be caused by weak batteries or that the tach is actually not on the vehicles databus. In either case, turning on Hybrid Mode in the EVO should fix this.


First and easiest though, change ground locations and check the entire installation for loose connections.
répondu Mar 3, 2014 par Robert T (299,650 points)
i tryed turning hybrid mode on and the car wont crank at all
i tryed turung on hybrid mode and the car wont crank with the remote