Questions & Answers

2015 european ford mondeo push to start

0 votes

Is therea remote start unit for european Ford Mondeo 2015? It has push to start,oem-remote and keyless entry.

posté Oct 26, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Ivar Tänover (180 points)

3 Réponses

+3 votes
Meilleure réponse

I can give you a 100% guarantee that will not work. We tested this car in Russia.

répondu Oct 27, 2016 par NilS (610 points)
élue Oct 27, 2016 par Robert T
0 votes
Currently, we only have the regular key model listed. Not the Push-to-Start.
répondu Oct 26, 2016 par derek g (336,040 points)
0 votes
The vehicle looks to be based off the Ford Fusion. You could try following the guide for Ford Fusion PTS but there is absolutly no guarantee that it will work. It has never been tested.
répondu Oct 27, 2016 par derek g (85,210 points)
Is there any help if i could send you some wiring diagrams about this car.