Questions & Answers

Evo-All 2006 XC90 can-bus brake status

+1 vote
Is the can-bus foot brake monitoring feature available on a 2006 Volvo xc90 with the EVO-ALL?

It lists it on the comparison page for the vehicle, but when you look at the instructions for installation, it says it is not available.
posté Juil 30, 2023 dans la catégorie Volvo par tripog (180 points)
ré-ouvertes Aout 3, 2023 par Robert T

1 Réponse

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Brake status may not be available on the 2006 CX90. Prepare to wire it directly to the remote starter.
répondu Juil 31, 2023 par Robert T (301,940 points)
élue Aout 3, 2023 par Robert T
You say may, do you mean that it works on some 2006 volvo xc90s but not others?