Questions & Answers

Lexus LX600

0 votes
Hello. Does standalone (38-2) not work on Lexus LX600?
asked Jul 22 in Lexus by G M (14,360 points)
reopened Jul 22 by G M

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
what year is that?
answered Jul 22 by Robert T (299,950 points)
selected Jul 22 by G M
2023 .........................................................................................................
should work fine, does the blue led flash once per lock press?
A client calls me. He is interested in whether it is possible to make such an option...
In the diagram, the connection is only written 39-2. And, 38-2 is not...
As long as we monitor the remotes, which we do on this vehicle, you can do 3xlock.
Okay, I'll try if he comes.